About HaPoC-7

As a technological and scientific field, computing is constantly expanding in scope and depth, affecting all aspects of contemporary life. Our perceptions and conceptions of the field are also constantly evolving, though not always in lockstep with technological and scientific developments. HaPoC conferences are a place to develop ways of both reflecting on and thinking ahead of these developments.

Achieving this goal requires a broad perspective on computing, in which social and cultural aspects play a central role. For these reasons, thinking about computing technologies and practices requires an interdisciplinary approach in which art is as necessary as engineering, anthropological insights as important as mathematical models, and the critical perspectives of history, philosophy, ethics and law as crucial as the formal models of theoretical computer science.

Since 2011, the biennial History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC) conference series has contributed to building such an interdisciplinary community and environment. We aim to bring together historians, philosophers, computer scientists, social scientists, legal scholars, designers, engineers, practitioners, artists, logicians, mathematicians, each with their own experience and expertise, to participate in the collective construction of a comprehensive and forward-looking image of computing.

Warsaw University of Technology is honoured to host the 7th edition of HaPoC in October 2023 at the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences.






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Financial support: National Science Centre (NCN), through grants no. 2020/37/B/HS1/01809 and 2021/41/B/HS1/01023; Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology.








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