Pre-Conference Workshop

"Analog Computing" with Corey J. Maley on 16 and 17 October

The HaPoC-7 conference was preceded by a two-day workshop with Corey J. Maley on the topic of analogue computing, broadly conceived. We discussed selected philosophical literature on the topic in reading group fashion.

The workshop took place in room 206 of the PW main building (GG), Plac Politechniki 1, on Monday and Tuesday from 9:00 to 16:00, including breaks.

The preparatory readings were:

1. Start reading here:

  • Maley - How (and Why) to Think that the Brain is Literally a Computer, 2022

2. Other key readings that participants should have read in advance:

  • Maley - Analog Computation and Representation, 2023 
  • Maley - Medium independence and the failure of the mechanistic account of computation (forthcoming)
  • Maley - The Physicality of Representation, 2021
  • Papayannopoulos - Computing and modelling: analog vs. analogue, 2020

You will find pdfs of these and a few other texts for download here (only accessible for registered and logged-in participants).

This workshop is supported by NCN OPUS 19 grant no. 2020/37/B/HS1/01809, 'Turing, Ashby, and 'the Action of the Brain'', PI Hajo Greif

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